oh the insignificance

Ok. So I nicked this survey from Michelle who “stole” it from some other chick who probably borrowed it from another person and so on and so forth. So then, you now feel compelled to fill in this survey. It’s short anyway, so I doubt it’ll take less than 5 minutes. Plus, YOU LOVE ME AND YOU WANT TO MAKE ME HAPPY.

So this would be the suvey…
1. how did you first find my journal?
2. why did you originally decide to add me?
3. whats your favorite part of my journal?
4. whats your least favorite part of my journal?
5. ask me a question. be as random as you want:
6. recommend a band to me:
7. recommend a livejournal user to me:
8. tell me your real name:

Fill it out and make me feel secure about myself.

…I saw a possum cross the street today. All I could think of was “That’s not a cat. That’s a big rat.” You envy my perceptiveness.

the time has come…

Ok so my friends list has gotten kinda sorta big, and it irks me how I don’t know half of you on it. So then, I’m going to clean house. If you’ve been removed, it’s because I don’t read your shit, or you don’t read my shit. Nothing personal, I just have no idea who you are, and I doubt you know anything about me. Plus, it’s tiresome scrolling through my friends page and wondering, “Oh, who’s that?” So if I’ve removed you, then feel free to remove as well. Or keep me on, whatever I don’t care. So um ok, I removed you people:

[old livejournal]

[you stopped updating]

[old livejournal]

Ok, so then. If you want to be re-added, go for it. Comment, I’ll probably add you back. Also, if you want to be deleted, comment. It’s a two-way thing. Ok, bye now.

sometimes i like to make pointless entries…

Ever had one of those strong urges to start writing? Well, I did. Just now. Problem is, I have no idea what to write about. I’d write about my day, but alas my days are always uneventful and boring as fuck. So I’ll spare you the details of that. So then, what to write about?

You know that groggy and discombobulated feeling you get after taking a nap? I hate that feeling. It makes me all dizzy and oblivious. To everything. Fuck that groggy feeling you get after a nap.

I hate sophomores. Even though I am a sophomore. Just ignore that. Especially the sophomores that ride my bus. The ones that act like they’re the fucking shit because they’re sophomores. You know the type. The treat the freshmen like they’re so inferior and unintelligent, and then they act like they got some kind of priviledge over everyone else. I don’t like the majority of the freshmen either, but you don’t see me talking down to them and going out of my way to put them down. Newsflash whores, you’re still the same person you were last year, except a year older. Damn, that bothers me. They act like they’re so fucking mature and whatever. Sorry, but you’re not. Just because you’ve aged slightly doesn’t make you any more mature. They still only care about boys, boyfriends, and “she said this.” So get over yourselves. You’re not cool, superior, or remotely intelligent.

Ok. I feel accomplished or whatever now so bye.



this was going to be an entry about how my day and overall life has been, but i decided to skip all that mumbo jumbo prancy stuff.

so instead, this space will be used to share with you all my distaste for hilary duff. i do not like hilary duff. i do not like her lack of singing abilities, and i believe that there are much more competent singers out there who should have that record contract. i do not like her demands for more money for the television show who got her recognized to begin with, and i do not like her burberry headband. because i want it.

but anyways, i also do not like that she is now coming out with a clothing line. well aren’t you little miss overachiever, hilary duff? now, if i was rich and famous, i would be quite content being rich and famous. i wouldn’t be an excitable little bitch for a thirst for money. but that’s just me.

[/end rant]

by the way, i like moonpools and caterpillars. and you should too.

sometimes i like to make pointless entries…

and this would be one of them. you guys want to hear something not remotely interesting? well, i like dancing hip-hop, so naturally, i like to watch people do their hip-hop thing. so, i decided to watch the wade robson project. on mtv. god, i am so cool. anyways, so i was sitting on the couch [actually it was a table, but couch seemed like the more appropriate thing to say] and i was watching these people freestyle. then i noticed, one of the chicks looked awfully familiar.

it took a while, but eventually i realized that she used to dance on my hip-hop troupe with me. personally, i don’t think she dances very well. this is my nice way of saying that she sucks. so i’m watching her and thinking, shit i was just talking to her a month ago. but anyways, everyone else seemed to agree with me and thought she sucked too, so she didn’t make it very far. and when i say “not very far” i mean to say that she didn’t make it past the first round. that is all. thought i would share.

welll, shit

Oh look. My paid account ran out. I didn’t even realize it ’til now….I miss it.

And about that last entry. It wasn’t meant to sound “woe is me”. I just noticed how sad and regretful I sounded. Well, erm yah I’m regretful, but more of a “gosh this sucks, but I’ll get over it” regretful. Just wanted to clarify.

once upon a time…

So there was this boy…

he liked me. i know for a fact that he liked me.
and i liked him. but i didn’t tell him. i didn’t tell anyone.

and now he’s gone. i accidentally let him go, and he doesn’t even know it.

i regret not telling him.
i regret not telling him.
i regret not telling him.

then again i am only 15 years old, so thinking that i have in some way completely ruined the course of my life forever is ridiculous. well…shit.

–> On a completely unrelated note, I love my friends. With a passion. Thanks a lot. Really. Thanks.

eff eff effer

Ok, you know what really weirds me out? About a month ago I was sitting on an airplane, oogling some guy who won some PacSun modeling contest in a CosmoGirl magazine [I had to occupy my time somehow on a dull 4 hour flight with a 2 hour delay]. I thought to myself, “Self, that is one very fortunate looking guy.” Of course the magazine had to include a huge poster of him, which I, of course, decided to feature on my wall for future oogling.

this is what he looked like by the way

eff eff effer

Ok, you know what really weirds me out? About a month ago I was sitting on an airplane, oogling some guy who won some PacSun modeling contest in a CosmoGirl magazine [I had to occupy my time somehow on a dull 4 hour flight with a 2 hour delay]. I thought to myself, “Self, that is one very fortunate looking guy.” Of course the magazine had to include a huge poster of him, which I, of course, decided to feature on my wall for future oogling.

this is what he looked like by the way