Picture post…yeaaaah

I have DJ Pizza Lunch pictures that I’ve neglected to post. Really bad quality, and totally manipulated. But whatever, everyone likes pictures. I really don’t understand the point of DJ Pizza Lunch. I mean, the day basically consists of bad music and hundreds of girls grinding each other. Oh the perks of attending an all girl school. Blargh, whatever.

And since they’ll screw up my tables if I don’t cut them…
this is an lj-cut. click me. yeah, i like it.


Everything bothers me right now. My parents bother me. My cellphone bothers me. My lack of coherence to write anything remotely insightful bothers me. My english teacher bothers me. Boys bother me. Things even slightly related to boys bother me. YOU bother me. I’m in one of those moods where I’d quite like to disappear into oblivion before I’m tempted to annihilate all of humanity.

A note: It is not wise to talk to me while I’m suffering from PMS. I have this tendency to get really irrationally psycho.